Why Now Is an Excellent Time to Sell in Sioux Falls

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A lot of people have been asking us how our real estate market here in Sioux Falls is doing, so today we're going to take the opportunity to fill you in on this market. 

As of right now, we're finding ourselves in a seller's market because the inventory is extremely low. We currently have less than 500 homes on the market, and in the next few months we would like to see somewhere around 1,400 homes on the market, which will help to even things out. 

Interest rates are right around 4%, which is still historically low and is a big incentive for buyers to come out and purchase homes. If you're a potential buyer in the Sioux Falls marketplace, then I recommend that you act quickly and get yourself pre-approved for a mortgage loan. This will make you stand out in a multiple offer situation, and will increase your chances of getting the home that you desire.

If you're thinking of selling your home in Sioux Falls, we would highly recommend that you get it on the market as soon as possible before you start facing lots of competition from other sellers who are waiting until late spring or early summer to sell their homes. You have a really good opportunity to sell your home for top dollar right now.

Hopefully this information has been helpful to you. If you have any further questions about real estate in Sioux Falls, please don't hesitate to contact me!

1 comment :

  1. Falls is doing, so today we're going to take the opportunity to fill you in on this market. Mobile homes for sale in arkansas
