When Do You Need to Have a Building Permit in Sioux Falls?

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Hey everyone, thanks for joining us. Today we are going to be talking about building permits, and whether it is wise of you to get one as a homeowner when doing repairs on your home.

As a homeowner, there's going to come a time where you want to do some repairs or improvements to your home. A common question we get from homeowners is, "Should we actually pull the building permit and notify the city, or should we just kind of do things on the side to save costs?"

In cases where you are making a specific repair or improvement that requires a building permit from the city, we suggest you pull the permit and notify the city. This way the appropriate inspections can be done. 

If you don't pull the permit, a buyer may require you to do so when you sell. By doing this backwards, it will cost twice to three times as much as it would if you just pulled the permit up-front. 

So, how will the future buyer or their agent know that you have had work done on the home in the first place? Well, when you sell your home, you are also required to provide a seller's disclosure, a 3-page document detailing any work done to the home. At this point, you will have to disclose to the buyer, or else risk legal action. 

A standard building permit costs around $90 here in Sioux Falls, so it's relatively cheap. It's much easier and less expensive to be proactive about your permit, so if you have any questions for us, feel free to reach out at any time via phone or email. 

In the meantime, if you are curious as to whether your home, or a home you are looking at has had building permits pulled, click here to visit the Sioux Falls building permit database.  We can't wait to hear from you soon!


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